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Market baseline / No standards of care

No systematic regulation of informal daycares, despite making up 83% of all child-facing institutions in the slums

Incentives for the private sector to self-uplift and regulate urgently needed

Tiny Totos look at this picture

……and see incentive opportunities

What others do

Focus on child care skills, but fail to address need for business sustainability

Enable subsidized operations, undermine client willingness to pay

Daycares can’t survive without subsidy; owners disempowered

Becomes another in a litany of well-meaning charitable interventions

Not sustainable without repeated influx of grant capital

What Tiny Totos does

Focus on owner’s self-interest to earn more from their business

Provide no operating subsidy, but the tools and capital needed for business success

Owners realize improved standards of service directly leads to improved revenues

Growing network of self-sustaining businesses enjoying economies of scale

Replicable business that can  become self-sustaining

 How we upgrade daycares

 Peer learning & networking

We create a network that entrepreneurs can belong to, rely on and learn from

 Facilities improvement

We provide design support and capital to improve existing facilities (e.g. air, use of space, lighting)

 Management and leadership

We teach owners how to visualize their growth and leadership potential


 Data collection

We teach managers to collect client details, payment practices, child attendance, health and nutrition

 Early childhood development

We teach best practices to foster child wellbeing in - nutrition, health, stimulation

 Business Training

We train owners in book keeping to marketing, strategy and pricing, recordkeeping, marketing


We help managers use phone-based apps to record income, communicate with clients, and track own business performance

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Enhancing daycare network value

We see daycares as social influencers, local from which more value, products and services for clients and the informal economy can be built

We recognize that without improved well-being at home, children in daycares will still languish and suffer


We also realized that for Tiny Totos to be sustainable, we needed to generate additional value from the daycares and network


From 2016, we began to provide business loans to entrepreneurs with a proven revenue track record to help them enhance their operations


In 2017 we launched a pilot asset finance scheme open only to best paying clients, allowing them buy products that


oEnhance health and wellbeing of children

oSave money on basic goods


We finance clean coostoves, LPG stoves, water filters and pressure cookers, smart phones and business improvement loans.  We currently have 55+ loans issued; with 2% in arrears on business loans, 4% on product loans.


These positive results suggest our KYC / client credit screen can derisk the sale of livelihood enhancing products to a circle of trusted partners and clients, while generating revenue to meet Tiny Totos’ operational costs.

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Mapping the Market

Tiny Totos has created an online map identifying the location of over 500 of the estimated 3,500 daycares in Nairobi

As we enter 2019 we are investing heavily in our phone-based app reporting system.  We intend to integrate these platforms over time, so that the Tiny Totos map can become a live information resource for any prospective client, daycare manager, regulator, private sector partner or researcher keen to understand market scope, standards, resources and client activity pf the daycare slum grassroots economy.

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